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Bitmedia Charity Fund: Supporting Victims of Emergencies, Natural Disasters, and Armed Conflicts

Bitmedia Charity Fund takes care of people who have suffered as a result of emergencies, natural disasters, or armed conflicts. In particular, currently provides financial, medical, and humanitarian aid to Ukrainians who became victims of the war with russia.

Providing Financial, Medical, and Humanitarian Aid

The organization provides assistance to civilians in need who submit requests for help, including basic necessities such as clothing, shoes, food, and medicine. Our goal is to alleviate the challenging life circumstances that these individuals are facing. Additionally, we support efforts to protect Ukraine's territory by providing essential supplies such as bulletproof vests, helmets, tactical gloves, medicine, clothing, and food products to those involved in this endeavor.

The purposes of Charity Fund are to assist in promoting the legitimate interests of beneficiaries (the recipients of charitable assistance (individual, non-profit organizations, or territorial communities) who receive assistance from one or more charities to achieve the goals defined per the statute, as well as the development and support of these areas in public interests.

Purpose of the Fund's Charity Activities

The purpose of Fund's charity activities is to promote the legitimate interests of beneficiaries in the following areas:

  • education;

  • health care;

  • ecology and environmental protection;

  • prevention of natural and man-made disasters and liquidation of their consequences, assistance to victims of disasters, armed conflicts, and accidents, as well as refugees and persons in difficult life circumstances;

  • human and citizen rights and fundamental freedoms;

  • development of territorial communities;

  • development of international cooperation.

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